What is an SAF-T report?

An SAF-T report stands for Standard Audit File-Tax and is a standard file format used when reporting sales figures to the tax authorities. It is a format that cash register systems must now implement so that Danish shop owners can comply with the law.
In 2017, it was decided that the tax authorities should have the ability to sanction Danish stores that cannot document their sales correctly. Following this decision, the tax authorities began investigating whether they could introduce a standard format to avoid sanctions. As a result, they introduced the SAF-T file format.
The SAF-T report has already been introduced in several European countries, including the Netherlands and Norway. The Danish SAF-T report is not much different from the Norwegian and Dutch practices, and it is expected that more countries will adopt the file format.
What is included in an SAF-T report?
In broad terms, the purpose of the SAF-T report is to document all sales made in, for example, a store or a restaurant. The store's cash register system must store all transactions and keep the information in a specific file format so that it can be sent to the tax authorities. If business owners have a cash register system with this function, they can rest assured, but if they have a foreign cash register system, it may not be able to generate an SAF-T report, which could lead to complications with the tax authorities. Therefore, we recommend purchasing a cash register system from the country where the business operates.
An SAF-T report includes, among other things, information such as:
- Company name
- Cash register
- Location
- Transaction ID
- Report total cash sales
- Report date
- Payment amount
- VAT code
The report contains many more details and must be structured in a specific way. Therefore, the above bullets are not exhaustive, but merely an excerpt of the information that must be sent to the tax authorities.
Need help?
The Shopbox cash register system has implemented the SAF-T file format. If you are a Shopbox customer, you are fully covered. If you have another cash register system, you are also welcome to call us for advice on what you should do.
You can contact us at +45 3113 1515