Hellerup Låse

Hellerup Låse is Hellerup's go-to place when you have locked yourself out, need to install an alarm system or buy a safe. Hellerup Låse offers a wide range of services and has some of Hellerup's most prominent citizens as regular customers. Read the exciting stories about Hellerup Låse and their shop on Strandvejen and get an insight into their collaboration with Shopbox.

"I now have time to serve more customers because of Shopbox"






Shopbox Basic + Integrations

"Things just have to work, and there has to be a lot of trust between the parties - and I feel that there is with Shopbox. They also provide excellent support.”

It is sunny when we drive out of Strandvejen to interview David from Hellerup Låse. We look forward. We already know that Hellerup Låse has a broad customer portfolio, partly because of their location and because they participated in media such as Berlingske and BT. Therefore, Hellerup Låse is a prominent and exciting customer case, and we look forward to hearing whether our checkout system has made a positive contribution to their business

We enter the shop on Strandvejen, which, at first glance, looks like a jewelry shop. The shop is beautifully decorated, with fine chandeliers on the ceiling and glass cases on the walls displaying the locks and keys that can be bought there. We quickly agree that it is the nicest lock shop ever. 

David greets us with a big smile and offers us coffee. He is talkative and has an incredibly friendly disposition. After five minutes with him, we already understand why he is Hellerup's preferred locksmith. And he has many customers.

Already in the morning, customers make a pilgrimage to the store. "Sales of safes just boomed after the corona, so we have gained many customers. It's absolutely crazy", says David. He was even in 'Good Morning Denmark' to discuss this topic. When we ask why he thinks the sale of safes has boomed, David explains the following:

"During the corona, it became more difficult to get down to your bank, and then came the negative interest rate, which caused the sale of safes to increase further". Many citizens have therefore seen it as a natural choice to manage their wealth themselves via a safe. It gives 100% control. 

“Shopbox makes it easy to get paid. We have a card terminal for the store and then we have a mobile terminal which allows us to receive payments from customers. That makes it easy and flexible”.

David Topsøe-Keller

Owner & CEO

See the entire interview with David Topsøe-Keller

"You are there immediately when we need you and there is a good and open dialogue. In addition, Shopbox's functions can really make a big difference for us in the future".

David's solution is completely digitized, so everything talks together. This means that the transactions from the store and on the go will be collected in one place. You can then see data on all transactions on your iPad checkout system. 

"Then I only have to click a button when I have to open the checkout and then everything is sent to my accountant. It saves me a lot of time. And time is money. The fact that Shopbox can save me an hour of administrative work every day means that I can spend that hour on my customers instead ", David explains and points toward his Shopbox checkout system.

"We rescued her after a day and a half"

The fact that Shopbox gives David more time to help more customers makes a big impression on us, as he talks about an episode from his working life. 

"At one point we came across an elderly lady who had been locked out of her toilet for a day and a half. She had knocked on the water pipes as was done during the war and the neighbors had discovered this, so they had called Hellerup Låse. The woman cried with joy when we got her out. In those cases, you can feel that we have an important job".

David is one of the everyday heroes. Because this story is not isolated and it shows how important his work is. And David loves to help and will go the extra mile for his customers. Therefore, it is also important to him that his business partners are decent. 

"Things just have to work and there has to be a lot of trust between the parties - and I feel that there is with Shopbox. They also provide extremely good support”. 

When we ask David if he would recommend Shopbox to others, he says yes without hesitation. We are incredibly proud of that. But we are most proud of having such an important and significant customer as Hellerup Låse. 

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