
The ability to calculate wage percentages, as well as obtain a better basis for creating work schedules.




Norway, Sweden

Suitable for

Use revenue data for optimal shift scheduling.
Automated time tracking: By integrating Shopbox with Planday, time tracking is automated as employees' hours are directly synchronized with the scheduling tool. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors, while also providing a more accurate picture of work effort.
Enhanced communication and collaboration: The integration facilitates communication between store management and employees by providing them access to relevant scheduling information and sales data. This promotes more effective collaboration and enables quicker adjustments to changes in workload or sales patterns.

Integration between Shopbox and Planday

Welcome to a new era of efficiency and agility in your business! We are excited to introduce the integration between Shopbox and Planday, designed to revolutionize the way you manage your business. This integration is created with you, our valued Shopbox user, in mind to maximize your business potential by uniting the best of both worlds.

Benefits of the Integration Optimized Staff Scheduling: With Planday, you can say goodbye to manual schedules and time-consuming planning processes. The integration ensures that your employees' working hours are perfectly synchronized with Shopbox, providing flawless operation and planning.

Efficient Time Tracking: Employee check-ins and check-outs become a breeze. This data is integrated directly into Shopbox, making payroll processing faster and eliminating the risk of errors.

Improved Communication: Keep your team informed and engaged. Planday's communication tools ensure that all employees are up-to-date with the latest schedule changes, internal news, or important announcements.

Real-time Data Insights: Gain access to valuable insights about working hours, payroll costs, and employee performance. This integration provides you with the data you need to make informed decisions about your business.

Simplified Payroll Management: Automate the payroll process by integrating employees' working hours directly into your payroll system. This reduces administrative burdens and ensures accuracy in payroll disbursements.

Features in Planday User-friendly Schedule Planning: Planday's intuitive interface makes it easy to create and manage employee schedules, saving you time and minimizing the risk of errors.

Mobile Access: With Planday's mobile app, your employees can view their schedules, request time off, and sign up for shifts directly from their smartphone, increasing flexibility and employee satisfaction.

Customization Options: Regardless of your business size or industry, Planday allows you to customize features to your specific needs, ensuring a tailored solution for your business.

Advanced Reporting: Obtain in-depth reports on working hours, payroll costs, and much more. These insights are crucial for optimizing your business operations and increasing profitability.

The integration between Shopbox and Planday is more than just a technical solution; it's a strategic advantage that sets your business up for success. By leveraging the strengths of both systems, you can achieve an unprecedented level of efficiency and insight into your business operations. Let's take the step towards a smarter and more connected future for your business together.

Company description

Planday is a leading provider of cloud-based scheduling solutions designed to simplify the daily life of both managers and employees across a wide range of industries. With Planday, companies can streamline the process of creating, communicating, and managing schedules, saving time and reducing costs.

The platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows managers to create schedules in real-time, while considering employees' availability and qualifications. This ensures a more efficient utilization of labor resources and contributes to higher employee satisfaction.

For employees, Planday offers a mobile app that makes it easy to view schedules, request time off, swap shifts with colleagues, and communicate directly with management. This increases flexibility and gives employees greater control over their working hours, which can contribute to a better work-life balance.

Planday also includes features for time tracking, payroll calculation, and reporting, providing managers with a comprehensive overview of working hours, overtime, and personnel costs. By integrating these processes into one platform, companies can achieve more efficient administration and ensure compliance with working time regulations and contracts.

With its flexibility and scalability, Planday can be adapted to businesses of all sizes and in various sectors, including retail, hospitality, healthcare, and many others. By focusing on user-friendliness and efficiency, Planday helps companies optimize their staff planning and improve communication between management and employees.

Overall, Planday is a comprehensive scheduling solution that addresses the modern business needs for flexibility, efficiency, and employee engagement. By using Planday, companies can improve their operational efficiency, increase employee satisfaction, and achieve better results.